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It features a number of advanced programming facilities includes project management, application wizards, an interactive debugger, an integrated Glade UI designer, integrated Devhelp API help, an integrated Valgrind memory profiler, an integrated gprof performance profiler, a class generator, a powerful source editor, source browsing, and more.RGzbuild35S\openSUSE 13.1openSUSEGPL-2.0+http://bugs.opensuse.orgDevelopment/Tools/IDE 2 }  6  'j   7y  ~#N ! * !*   ~Q,t i u$U !E  q P"# ]  N; + _ ;fj)j 9 Y1 &7 1AA &V l <0wh&XL.H(=hMha* C Ux c"p1 _,$#w#I6? :4q4&h % Ff#:W?aD@oA%Ucm]r-ndY.+;:q*U)60.0!#c!-q62T&#o*)S2q&:X(o)6XEOcUKL' *"'-#puF_}5!I,Gd' 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  /usr/bin/pkg-configlibanjuta-3-0pkgconfig(gdl-3.0)pkgconfig(gtk+-3.0)pkgconfig(libxml-2.0)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(PayloadFilesHavePrefix)typelib-1_0-Anjuta-3_0rpmlib(PayloadIsLzma)$}RR@QQ@QőQ@QQm=@QQQP<@QIQ#i@PDPg@PPP6@P@Pd?PDPP@PkP@PO@O@O-@OqOhq@OTOC@ObONxN@NN@NNFNNyNtNf @N^"@NFg@N7N-ZN7@NMMM@ML@M@M@M@MMWM'@LfL L@L@LcL{@LjyL^@L[@LI@LK#@K@KKoK`*KMK2@KJJٱJ`@J@JJu@Jp9J4@J+@J{I@IzIܑI@dimstar@opensuse.orgdimstar@opensuse.orgdimstar@opensuse.orgzaitor@opensuse.orgdimstar@opensuse.orgdimstar@opensuse.orgdimstar@opensuse.orgdimstar@opensuse.orgdimstar@opensuse.orgdimstar@opensuse.orgdimstar@opensuse.orgdimstar@opensuse.orgdmueller@suse.comdimstar@opensuse.orgdimstar@opensuse.orgdimstar@opensuse.orgdimstar@opensuse.orgzaitor@opensuse.orgdimstar@opensuse.orgdimstar@opensuse.orgdimstar@opensuse.orgzaitor@opensuse.orgdimstar@opensuse.orgdimstar@opensuse.orgdimstar@opensuse.orgdimstar@opensuse.orgdimstar@opensuse.orgdimstar@opensuse.orgdimstar@opensuse.orgzaitor@opensuse.orgdimstar@opensuse.orgdimstar@opensuse.orgvuntz@opensuse.orgdimstar@opensuse.orgdimstar@opensuse.orgvuntz@opensuse.orgdimstar@opensuse.orgdimstar@opensuse.orgvuntz@opensuse.orgdimstar@opensuse.orgdimstar@opensuse.orgdimstar@opensuse.orgdimstar@opensuse.orgvuntz@opensuse.orgvuntz@opensuse.orgvuntz@opensuse.orgjengelh@medozas.devuntz@opensuse.orgvuntz@opensuse.orgdimstar@opensuse.orgdimstar@opensuse.orgvuntz@opensuse.orgdimstar@opensuse.orgvuntz@opensuse.orgdimstar@opensuse.orgdimstar@opensuse.orgbadshah400@gmail.comdimstar@opensuse.orgfcrozat@novell.comvuntz@opensuse.orgfcrozat@novell.comfcrozat@novell.comvuntz@opensuse.orgvuntz@opensuse.orgvuntz@opensuse.orgdimstar@opensuse.orgvuntz@opensuse.orgvuntz@opensuse.orgvuntz@opensuse.orgvuntz@opensuse.orgdimstar@opensuse.orgvuntz@opensuse.orgvuntz@opensuse.orgdimstar@opensuse.orgsbrabec@suse.czdimstar@opensuse.orgvuntz@opensuse.orgdimstar@opensuse.orgcaptain.magnus@opensuse.orgvuntz@opensuse.orgcaptain.magnus@opensuse.orgvuntz@opensuse Update to version 3.10.2 (bnc#849913): + bgo#711722: C-Makefile project template broken. + document-manager: Fix bgo#711512. + Updated translations.- Update to version 3.10.0: + Updated translations.- Update to version 3.9.92: + git: Run diff commands after the status commands finish. + libanjuta/git: Render diffs one line at a time. + project-manager: Plural forms for "%d elements" (bgo#707562). + project-wizard: Auto completion code when you click in the widget tree is broken (bgo#707943). + Updated translations.- Update to version 3.9.91: + git: - Fix removed files status display. - Expand the status view tree when all diff commands are finished. + project-manager: The 'Can not add source files' dialog is too long and his buttons and bottom side are out of the screen (bgo#501230). + Fix incorrect MimeType in .desktop file (bgo#706630). + Remove a critical warning when closing a project. + glade: Fix a critical warning when opening a project with a .ui file opened. + document-manager: Close all documents when closing a project. + Updated translations.- Update to version 3.9.90: + document-manager: Fix icon size in document manager tabs. + git: - Widget name fixes. - Show diffs of uncommitted changes in the status view. - Show stash diffs in the stash pane. - Don't show the command bar if the Tasks button isn't active. - Don't show stash numbers on diff rows. + libanjuta: - Add AnjutaCellRendererDiff. - Update the glade catalog. + libanjuta/anjuta-command-bar: - Resect GTK button image settings. - Don't use a shadow for the scrolled window. + symbol-db: - link with librt on Linux (bgo#704985). - Use a GtkSearchEntry for the search entry in the search view. + libanjuta/anjuta-file-list: Fix the help text color. + libanjuta/anjuta-cell-renderer-diff: Detect diff headers. + build: add support for libvala-0.22. + Use program icon on about dialog. + Fix column number on lines with tabs. + help: fix broken images. + Bugs fixed: bgo#689384, bgo#701419. - Drop anjuta-vala-0.22.patch: fixed upstream. - Remove gnome-common BuildRequires and call to, as we don't carry any patch anymore.- Add anjuta-vala-0.22.patch: Allow building with vala 0.22. - Add gnome-common BuildRequires and call to, as above patch touches the build system. - Change pkgconfig(libvala-0.20) BuildRequires to pkgconfig(libvala-0.22) in order to perform the switch to Vala 0.22. - Stop passing obsolete --disable-scrollkeeper to configure.- Update to version 3.9.5: + anjuta: Only show app-menu if supported by environment. + libanjuta: Make AnjutaCommandBar easier to use on small screens. + Bugs fixed: bgo#699544. + Updated translations.- Update to version 3.9.4: + anjuta: Add application menu. + git: Fix the Do Not Commit option in the Revert pane. + libanjuta/anjuta-entry: Don't use CSS for help text styles. + Keep using loaded plugin even if they are marked as disabled. + Register GApplication with a different name if a profile is used. + document-manager: Make use of symbol-db plugin optional. + language-support-python: Remove critical warnings. + language-manager: Support symbols in more programming languages. + Need at least glib 2.34 for g_spawn_check_exit_status. + dir-project: Load big project faster. + dir-project: Decrease project load priority to avoid blocking GUI. + am-project: data target are not distributed by default in automake. + project-manager: Add a function in the interface to remove a file from a project. + Bugs fixed: bgo#703637, bgo#702576 + Updated translations.- Update to version 3.9.3: + sourceview: - fix compile warnings. + message-view: don't manually free private structure. + snippets-manager: fix compile warnings. + git: - Add a context menu to the log pane. - Add a context menu to the Branches pane. - Add a popup menu to the Remotes pane. - Check box action fixes in Push and Pull panes. - Add a popup menu to the Stash pane. - Fix a warning. + libanjuta: - Improve symbol-db behavior on cut, paste, undo, redo and when multiple files are modified. - Move scoped and descoped signal on AnjutaProfile object. - Replace AnjutaPluginDescription by AnjutaPluginHandle in API. - Move anjuta_profile_manager_load_profile function in anjuta_profile. - Always keep plugins in the system profile. - Allow to enable only a set of plugins defined in the profile file. - Keep dynamic allocation data in AnjutaPluginDescription. - Allow to change plugin description key from profile. + Allow to select different profile on the command line. + Add a sample custom profile keeping only the editor. + document-manager: Automatically open an empty file if starter plugin is not used. + symbol-db: Update symbol database on editor changes without saving. + language-support-cpp-jave: Fix memory leak. + Bugs fixed: bgo#701443, bgo#701207, bgo#700383 + Updated translations.- Update to version 3.9.2: + subversion: convert builder file to gtk+-3.0. + starter: guard for NULL document manager or project manager. + Fix deprecation warnings. + Bugs fixed: bgo#699323, bgo#699329, bgo#699327, bgo#699330, bgo#699326, bgo#698705, bgo#699316, bgo#700615, bgo#696991, bgo#698158, bgo#700318, bgo#694644. + Updated translations.- Update to version 3.9.1: + anjuta_language_provider: add proposals() function. + anjuta-tabber: - Always use the padding of an active tab in y-direction size allocation. - don't iterate list to check if node is first/last. - fix calculation of region flags. - implement gtk_container_get_path_for_child(). - remove call to gtk_widget_style_attach(). - remove the total padding from total width. - rework size allocation. - take focus-padding into account when rendering focus. - use tab_curvature for left/right space of first/last tab. + dir-project: - check for NULL groups in dir_project_is_loaded(). - fix compile error. + document-manager: - don't allocate AnjutaDocmanPriv ourselves. - don't free AnjutaDocmanPriv ourselves. - fix compile warning. - pack notebook with width 1. - remove margin around the document combo box. + git: - Add a stash button to the Status command bar. - Fix more names in the glade file. - Fix setting of a custom author in the commit panel. - Fix widget names. - Implement adding files by dragging them onto the status view. - Implement branch switching by double-click. - More glade file name fixes. - Pack the dock and the command bar together. - Use actions for recurring items in the glade file. - Use a toggle button to show and hide the command bar. - Widget name fixes. + language-support-js: - replace one more use of ianjuta_editor_assist_proposals(). - use anjuta_language_provider_proposals(). + language-support-python: - replace one more use of ianjuta_editor_assist_proposals(). - use anjuta_language_provider_proposals(). + libanjuta: Improve editor modeline support. + libanjuta/manuals: Update documentation sections. + message-view: - Use AnjutaCloseButton in tabs. - use a single box for the tab widget. + mk-project: - Ignore conditional directives in makefile. - Prevent a crash. + parser-cxx: - fix compilation warning. - use anjuta_language_provider_proposals(). + project-wizard: Use dist_doc_DATA for documentation text files. + sourceview: remove filtering of single proposals matching pre_word. + symbol-db-query: change order of property installation in SymbolDBQuery. + Update doap file. + Use dist_doc_DATA for documentation text files. + Bugs fixed: bgo#680770, bgo#688611, bgo#696023, bgo#696984, bgo#696990, bgo#697030, bgo#698011. + Updated translations. - Drop anjuta-glade.xml source: it's included in the tarball.- Update to version 3.8.1: + git: Log path entry should be editable. + project-wizard: Creating new project using wizard fails due to license files missing (bgo#696672). + Bugs fixed: bgo#696023. + Updated translations. - Re-add anjuta-glade.xml: bgo#696023 seems not entirely fixed.- Do not BuildRequire valgrind for aarch64.- Update to version 3.8.0: + Updated translations.- Update to version 3.7.92: + document-manager: - Allow to search starting from the current position. - Highlight search text in background. - Move common code in a function. + file-manager: make file_view_show_extended_data() more robust. + Fix desktop file syntax errors. + Fixed needlessly marked label for translation. + git: - fix up memory management of log model. - properly unset the log command in the case the command failed - Unset the log model view before refreshing the log. - use g_signal_connect_object() in GitLogCommand. - use g_signal_connect_object() to connect to commands in GitLogPane. + libanjuta: keep a ref on the AnjutaAsyncCommand when its thread is run. + Make the glade catalog an optional feature. + message-view: use g_type_class_add_private() to add private struct. + parser-cxx: use g_signal_connect_object() to connect to query signals. + sourceview: - add checks to SourceviewIO that the parent Sourceview is alive. - don't take extra refs during open/save. - keep a separate reference to AnjutaShell in SourceviewIO. - move all construction of Sourceview into constructed. - only cancel open operations when closing editor. - only update stored etag if save was succesful. - use g_signal_connect_object() to connect to io signals. + symbol-db: don't allow or set null scope_definition_id and scope_id. + Updated translations. - Pass --enable-glade-catalog to configure to ensure the catalogs are being installed. - Add anjuta-glade.xml to sources, which is missing in the tarball.- Update to version 3.7.90: + Add new quick-open plugin. + am-project: Fix a crash when changing target properties. + Anjuta: - Saved dock positions not applied when opening a project (bgo#688609) - Make sure the starter widget is visible on startup. + build-basic-autotools: - don't let build directory button expand. - Fix selection of build directory. + class-gen: - Always generate GObject private structure. - generate license the same way as project-wizard. - output filename instead of project name before copyright. + devhelp: Port to webkitgtk2. + document-manager: - connect to toplevel SearchBox keypress to handle closing. - Save search box settings. + file-manager: - Add option for showing the currently edited file in the file manager. - Add "Show in File manager" action to document popup. - Enable typeahead search. + glade: Add a menu item for glade properties dialog. + indentation-c-style: enable the plugin for IDL files. + jhbuild: - Extract libdir from newly added JHBUILD_LIBDIR environment variable. - Translate error messages. + language-support-cp-java: fix crasher when swapping header/source + libanjuta: - Add basic tests for AnjutaCompletion. - Add new AnjutaCompletion object for prefix matching. - Avoid the name Anjuta in libanjuta messages (bgo#693916) + parser-cxx: - remove unused ParserCxxAssistContext - use AnjutaCompletion instead of deprecated GCompletion + patch: Replace deprecated GtkTable by GtkGrid + project-import: - Open a directory with Anjuta. - Try to fill project name automatically in import project dialog + project-manager: Remove New Library menu item. + project-wizard: move license templates to data/ + sourceview: - connect settings notifications with g_signal_connect_object() - Fix wrong assignment when saving markers - mark clearing of buffer as a not undoable action - use etag to only emit "changed" when file was externally modified - use G_PRIORITY_DEFAULT for IO - use gtk_widget_preferred_size instead of gtk_widget_size_request + starter: Fix a warning + symbol-db: - fix compile warnings - fix symbols view label box to be horizontal + Updated translations. - Replace pkgconfig(libvala-0.18) BuildRequires with pkgconfig(libvala-0.20), following the GNOME 3.8 release plans.- Update to version 3.7.4: + file-loader: - Fix leak of GtkRecentInfos in the RecentChooserMenu. - file-loader: Fix leak of plugin names in sort_wizards() + file-manager: Fix compile warning. + git: Fix destruction of GitLogPane. + libanjuta: - Actually free stuff in AnjutaPkgConfigChooser::finalize. - Add "document-[added|removed]" signals to IAnjutaDocumentManager. - Allow to set indentation and tab size separately - Clean up and bug fix in plugin manager - Fix a few compiler warnings - Fix IAnjutaFile::opened signal documentation. + project-manager: - Allow to change project backend - Display current project backend - Fix leak of the nodes GList in gbf_project_view_update_tree(). + run-program: Default to Yes in "The program is already running" dialog. + snippets-manager: Fix faulty assertion in snippets_db_dispose(). + sourceview: - Add marks to an unloaded document the same way we reload marks. - Detect that a ifile_open() is a reload and save marks and position. - Don't check if objects are not NULL before calling g_clear_object(). - keep ref on SourceViewIO during call to input_stream_read_async(). + starter: Fix leak of GtkRecentInfo. + symbol-db: - Add update_flag to the symbol unique constraint. - Fix leaks - Fix "parenthesis" typos - rename sdb_engine_get_tuple_id_by_unique_name4()... - When updating a symbol try to update the closest one. + Updated translations.- Update to version 3.7.3: + Added keywords in desktop file. + anjuta: - Fix destruction of the AnjutaUI instance. - Fix destruction of AnjutaPreferences instance. - Unload all plugins before closing a window. - Remove "exiting" signal from AnjutaShell. + anjuta-plugin-handle: Use g_hash_table_remove_all instead of g_hash_table_foreach_remove. + am-project: Change the "Dependencies loop in variables" warning to a debug print. + build: disable -Werror to workaround flex(1) issue. + build-basic-autotools: - Disconnect all signals on editors when the plugin is deactivated. - Remove idle for updating indicators when plugin is deactivated. + document-manager: - Remove autosave timeout when the plugin is deactivated. - Fix disconnection of GtkNotebook "switch-page" signal. + file-manager: - Keep a weak reference to the IAnjutaVcs object in FileModel. - Unref the FileModel reference when the FileView gets finalized. + git: Fix compile warnings. + glade: Add toggle buttons for margin and align editing. + indentation-c-style: Fix logic error. + libanjuta: Set "relative-path" property of AnjutaFileDropEntry as readwrite. + plugin-manager: - Fix dependents checking on wrong object in should_unload(). - Don't destroy available_plugins order in populate_plugin_model(). - Clean up memory management. - Directly use anjuta_plugin_deactivate in unload_all_plugins() + profile-manager: Add new close() function. + project-wizard: - Allow to start a new project from the command line. - Remove trailing spaces. - Remove compilation warnings. - hide breakpoints and watches windows on new project bgo#616728. + run-program: - Keep a weak reference to the IAnjutaTerminal we run the program in. - Fix a crash when destroying the plugin. + sourceview: Don't store the builder for the preferences in a global variable. + symbol-db: - Keep a reference to the SymbolDBQuery when running it in a thread. - Use a vertical box for the search view. - Remove buffer update timeout when plugin gets deactivated. + Updated translations.- Update to version 3.7.2: + anjuta: Allow to abort loading of a session + anjuta-window: Don't call gtk_widget_show_all when setting up widget. + debug-manager: - Fix accessing of invalid tree models. - use g_spawn_sync() instead of fork() and waitpid() + document-manager: - Add search_box to document manager box directly. - Fix various compile warnings. - hide search box when pressing escape inside the document widget. - Never disable "find in files" action. - Remove obsolete code for tabbing between documents. - Show dirty character "*" and "[read-only]" in combo filename. - Support showing open documents in a combobox. - Update combo filenames when the project changes. - use on_close_file_activate() when closing file using combo close button. + file-manager: Fix invalid unref of NULL pointer. + Fix compile errors regarding undeclared functions. + git: - Fix assertion when running g_hash_table_unref() on a NULL pointer. - Fix assertion when running g_signal_handlers_disconnect on already destroyed widget. - Fix bgo 687145 - Critical warning when switching git pane + glade: - Fix the images in the palette toggles used for choosing the edit mode. - Fix the palette not being shown. + indentation-c-style: - Add option whether paranthesis alignment should only use spaces. - be more picky when completing braces. - Change plugin.c modeline to spaces - Enable the plugin for JavaScript source files. - Fix get_line_indentation(). - Fix modeline in plugin.c - Fix "parenthesis" typos - remove java_indentation() method - Rename action group to "C Indentation" and remove it on deactivation. - Update preferences UI file to gtk+-3 - When removing opening bracket also remove the closing one. + indentation-python-style: Rename action group to "Python Indentation". + language-support-cpp-java: Remove org.gnome.anjuta.plugins.cpp.gschema.valid from git + language-support-vala: Don't clean config.vapi + libanjuta: - Improve documentation of AnjutaSession - use g_spawn_sync instead of fork() and waitpid() + project-wizard: Fix vala ui path (bgo#686718) + python: - Auto-completion causes a segfault in Anjuta 3.6.1 (bgo#687646) - Fix crash during auto-indentation + sourceview: don't emit change events after doing an undo + Fixed compile warnings and a real bug in the gdbmi plugin- Update to version 3.7.1: + am-project: - Avoid critical warnings when a group does not have a - Double click on folder in project view open properties window (bgo#681050) - Folder properties dialog can't be close with ESC (bgo#681051) - Project browser is not updated when files are added or removed (bgo#683728) - Adding a "Miscelaneous Data" objective ignores the given name (bgo#684770) - Check a copy of anjuta project in regression instead of the real project - Do not store files as binary in anjuta shar archive used in regression test + anjuta: - Do not use GDL members deprecated in version 3.6 - Move command line parsing in AnjutaApplication - Remove custom filtering for debugging message as this is provided by GLib >= 2.32 - Rename AnjutaApp as AnjutaWindow - Rename Anjuta as AnjutaApplication + build-basic-autotools: - Configuration name combo box should be editable - Fix alignment of some text broken by the previous patch - Update environment variables when the build configuration is changed + build: anjuta-3.5.91 fails to configure due to ac_ct_CXX check (bgo#684758) + glade: Fix make file some files were not installed + jhbuild: - new plugin to build/run program inside the jhbuild environment - Provide a fallback for G_DEFINE_QUARK to allow compilation with GLib 2.32 + run-program: use AnjutaEnvironmentEditor instead of implementing our own version.- Update to version 3.6.2: + indentation-c-style: - be more picky when completing braces. - remove java_indentation() method - When removing opening bracket also remove the closing one. + sourceview: don't emit change events after doing an undo + build-basic-autotools: - Configuration name combo box should be editable + Do not use GDL members deprecated in version 3.6 + Updated translations.- Update to version 3.6.1: + Anjuta crashes when switching git branches of the current project on the commandline bgo#681073. + Updated translations.- Update to version 3.6.0: + project-manager: - Support for calling make check - Support for subdirectories in project groups - Crash fixes + git: - Git Tasks dock is only shown when the Git dock is active - The Status view is the first view shown in the Git dock - Status view works with git 1.7.10 and newer + symbol-db: - Various crash and infinite loop fixes + sourceview: - Use common indentation settings + Bugs fixed: bgo#680401, bgo#672692, bgo#675877, bgo#678695, bgo#679827, bgo#680136, bgo#680554, bgo#680559, bgo#680555, bgo#680657, bgo#679767 + Updated translations. - Replace gnome-doc-utils-devel BuildRequires with yelp-devel: following upstreams port to the new documentation infrastructure.- Update to version 3.5.91: + Bugs fixed: bgo#679767, bgo#680401, bgo#682501. + Updated translations. - Drop anjuta-includes.patch: fixed upstream.- Update to version 3.5.5: + class-inheritance, code-analyzer: Remove plugins that don't work or aren't built + document-manager: - Entry of find in files doesn't get focused (bgo#680554) - Escape key does not dismiss Find in Files panel (bgo#680555) - Find in Files does not scroll to top of results (bgo#680559) - Only use in project files - Unify focus handling + git: Only show the Git Tasks menu when the Git window is active + Several other code changes. + Several improvements to the FAQ. + Build fixes. + Bugs fixed: bgo#680136, bgo#680466, bgo#680657. - Drop pkgconfig(libgraph) BuildRequires: it was only needed for plugins that got dropped. - Add anjuta-includes.patch: Fix build with gtksourceview 3.5.3.- Update to version 3.5.4: + libanjuta: Fix memory corruption in AnjutaPkgConfig (bgo#679827) + Small fixes to cxxparser (including bgo#679772). + Improve calltips in vala plugin + Updated translations.- Update to version 3.5.3: + build-basic-autotools: bgo#674863: No easy way to call make check + git: Show the Status pane on plugin load + indentation: Use Indentation as name for all indentation preferences + project-wizard: - Explicitely use 3.0 as interface version for ui files (bgo#675877) - Make sure no template requires gtk+ 2.12 anymore + symbol-db: Ignore files with unknown language (bgo#678695) + vala support: update to Vala 0.18 + Split language-support-cpp-java and language-support-python plugin in an indentation part and a new language-support part + Several other code changes. + Build fixes. + Bugs fixed: bgo#675118, bgo#676811. + Updated translations. - Replace pkgconfig(libvala-0.16) BuildRequires with pkgconfig(libvala-0.18): Use vala 0.18.- Update to version 3.5.1: + Use common settings for indentation in several plugins. + Fix autoindentation after line wrapping + libanjuta: - Allow to define common settings in plugin preference page + am-project: - Include project files as sources in the project tree - Allow to create the root group in an empty project - Allow to have sub directories in a group - Do not expand variable in target and group flags - Expand variables in source names - Fix multiple crashes + project-manager: - The target advanced options window should remember its size (bgo#594912) - Display group name containing sub directories + sourceview: Correctly implement popup-menu (bgo#672692) + Several other code changes. + Minor build system fixes. + Updated translations.- Update to version 3.4.4: + libanjuta: - Fix memory corruption in AnjutaPkgConfig (bgo#679827) + document-manager: - entry of find in files doesn't get focused (bgo#680554) - Find in Files does not scroll to top of results (bgo#680559) - Escape key does not dismiss Find in Files (bgo#680555) + cxxparser: - avoid infinite loop (bgo#679772) - improved code checks to avoid leaks - fixed warning on query field retrieving + symbold-db: - Don't crash if project was moved to another location - Ignore files with unknown language (bgo#678695) + glade: Fix check order of editor on member add (bgo#676811) + Updated translations.- Update to version 3.4.3: + This release fixes a broken tarball that was distributed for 3.4.2. + configure: Detect python more robust. + Updated translations.- Update to version 3.4.2: + project-wizard: - Make sure no template requires gtk+ 2.12 anymore - Explicitely use 3.0 as interface version for ui files (bgo#675877) + Updated translations.- Update to version 3.4.1: + Fix a typo in the code-analyzer plugin name + sourceview: Correctly implement popup-menu (bgo#672692) + Updated translations.- Update to version 3.4.0: + Updated translations.- Update to version 3.3.92: + Various bug fixes and code changes. + Updated translations.- Update to version 3.3.91: + Automatically add a callback when user double-clicks a signal in the glade signal editor (bgo#670149). + Documentation improvements. + Several other code changes. + Bugs fixed: bgo#627089, bgo#662955, bgo#670483, bgo#670537, bgo#670656, bgo#670789, bgo#670830. + Updated translations. - No longer delete generated .c files: they are no longer part of the tarballs.- Update to version 3.3.90: + What's new: - Find in files is back! + Implement automatic member declaration and initialization for widgets in the glade plugin. + Save relative resources instead of absolute paths in session files. + Fix .desktop file so that gnome-shell recognizes anjuta. + Add support for vala 0.15/0.16. + Various other code changes. + Improved documentation. + Updated translations. - Remove xz BuildRequires now that it comes for free in the build system. - Drop anjuta-vala-0_16.patch: fixed upstream. - Remove gnome-common BuildRequires and call to those were only needed for the above patch.- Update to version 3.3.4: + Small improvements in search (bgo#665945). + Several improvements in generated files from project-wizard. + language-support-cpp: Code completion now closes parentheses (bgo#633341) + symbol-db: Fix symbol update when switching branches (bgo#664413) + Various other code changes. + Other bugs fixed: bgo#667903, bgo#666621, bgo#666966. + Updated translations.- Replace pkgconfig(libvala-0.14) BuildRequires with pkgconfig(libvala-0.16) in order to build against vala 0.15/0.16. - Add anjuta-vala-0_16.patch: Fix build with libvala-0.16 - Add gnome-common BuildRequires and call to, as the above patch touches the build system. - Delete .c files that are auto-generated from .vala files to ensure they are generated with the right vala compiler. - Add vala BuildRequires: as we drop the shipped generated .c files, we need to rebuild them during our build.- Update to version 3.3.3: + Fix various crashes (including bgo#665082, rh#532290, rh#757236). + Several improvements to git support. + Several improvements to vala support. + Fix memory leaks. + Ship files missing in 3.3.2. + Various other code changes. + Other bugs fixed: bgo#641079, bgo#646695, bgo#656761, bgo#666321, bgo#666336, bgo#666448, bgo#666482. + Updated translations. - Drop gnome-shell-extension-template.tar.bz2: the files are in the tarball now.- Split typelib files into typelib-1_0-Anjuta-3_0 subpackage. - Add typelib-1_0-Anjuta-3_0 Requires to devel subpackage.- Update to version 3.3.2: + Add template for Gnome Shell Extension (bgo#661299). + Bugs fixed: bgo#648934, bgo#662526, bgo#663016, bgo#663385, bgo#664058, bgo#664263, bgo#645212, bgo#629769, bgo#658788, bgo#662960. - Inject gnome-shell-extension-template.tar.bz2 into build system, as the tarball misses those files. See bgo#664829. - Add xz BuildRequires because we can't build a package for a xz-compressed tarball without explicitly specifying that... See bnc#697467 for more details.- Update to version 3.3.1: + Integrate fixes from 3.2.1. + Bugs fixed: bgo#610371, bgo#633284, bgo#653274, bgo#659563, bgo#662526.- Update to version 3.2.1: + Bugs fixed: bgo#660841, bgo#653652, bgo#660061, bgo#660065, bgo#661511.- Apply shared library packaging policy (bnc#690233): + Create libanjuta-3-0 subpackage. + Change anjuta Requires in devel subpackage to libanjuta-3-0. + Move calls to /sbin/ldconfig from %post/%postun of main subpackage to those of the libanjuta-3-0 subpackage. + This became more important as gtkpod now uses this library and we don't want to have gtkpod depend on the whole anjuta application.- Update to version 3.2.0: + Fixed make distcheck: FAQ, autotests, etc. + Updated translations. - Drop hack to install anjuta_logo.png properly during %install: fixed upstream.- Update to version 3.1.92: + Bugs fixed: bgo#656470, bgo#658229, bgo#658262, bgo#566700, bgo#654320, bgo#655295, bgo#658903, bgo#654463.- Remove redundant tags/sections from specfile - Use %_smp_mflags for parallel build- Update to version 3.1.91: + More improvements in vala plugin + Fix up problems with gtk+ 3.0 + Bugs fixed: bgo#638525, bgo#657491, bgo#657513, bgo#657589, bgo#655756, bgo#656123, bgo#657590, bgo#657022. - Remove unneeded call to mime-info-to-mime in %install.- Update to version 3.1.90: + Some seldom used debugger menu items were removed + A lot of fixes to the vala support + vala-0.14 (>= 0.13.3) is now required + Bugs fixed: bgo#656584, bgo#642187, bgo#657023, bgo#566704, bgo#652047, bgo#656585, bgo#657134, bgo#653259. - Drop anjuta-support-libgda-5.0.patch: fixed upstream. - Remove gnome-common BuildRequires and call to now that there is no patch requiring this.- Update to version 3.1.5: + Bugs fixed: bgo#654881, bgo#651151, bgo#654502, bgo#655743, bgo#655998, bgo#655584. - Drop anjuta-gtk_hv_box.patch: Fixed upstream. - Add a hack to install anjuta_logo.png properly in the manual.- Add anjuta-gtk_hv_box.patch: Stop using deprectaed GtkHBox and GtkVBox.- Update to version 3.1.4: + Bugs fixed: bgo#654502, bgo#646410, bgo#654073, bgo#654124, bgo#654445, bgo#654099, bgo#654100, bgo#654559, bgo#654092, bgo#654095, bgo#654560, bgo#631157, bgo#654455. - Drop anjuta-libvala-0.14.patch: fixed upstream.- Add anjuta-libvala-0.14.patch: Allow building against libvala 0.14. Patch sent upstream as bgo#654502. - Change pkgconfig(libvala-0.12) BuildRequires to pkgconfig(libvala-0.14)- Update to version 3.1.3: + Various improvements in the project wizard + Git usability improvements + Auto-completion for Gtk.Builder objects in python plugin + More mallard documentation + Bugs fixed: bgo#649107, bgo#651212, bgo#312667, bgo#588952, bgo#590323, bgo#645516, bgo#646073, bgo#646192, bgo#652773, bgo#652778, bgo#653364, bgo#647403.- Update to version 3.1.2: + Autocompletion for builder objects in python + Improvements in autotools backend + Bugs fixed: bgo#475261, bgo#651670, bgo#651285, bgo#569994, bgo#644047, bgo#588757, bgo#640470, bgo#642784, bgo#648571, bgo#650930, bgo#652017, bgo#651212. - Add bison and flex BuildRequires: those were needed before, but we failed to notice because of a bug in the configure script.- Build against libgda 4.99/5: + Add anjuta-support-libgda-5.0.patch: support building against libgda 5.0 and libgda 4.0 and add call to + Replace pkgconfig(libgda-4.0) BuildRequires with pkgconfig(libgda-5.0).- Enabled building glade-catalog-anjuta for use with glade for gtk+3- Update to version + Fix "Redo" in glade plugin + Make tabs look less ugly + Bugs fixed: bgo#644047, rh#705958- Update to version + Bugs fixed: - bgo#563856: generic Vala project type. - bgo#645199, bgo#646530, bgo#588387, bgo#645659, bgo#645695, bgo#645965, bgo#648361, bgo#648571.- Add gobject-introspection-devel BuildRequires to build introspection support. - Remove now unneeded BuildRequires: libwnck-devel. - Move to pkgconfig()-style BuildRequires: + Old ones: devhelp-devel, gdl-devel, graphviz-devel, gtksourceview-devel, libgda-4_0-devel, libgladeui-1_0-devel, libneon-devel. + New ones: glib-2.0, gdk-pixbuf-2.0, gdl-3.0, gladeui-2.0, gtk+-3.0, gtksourceview-3.0, libdevhelp-3.0, libgda-4.0, libgraph, libgvc, libxml-2.0, neon.- Update to version + Bugs fixed: bgo#645470, bgo#645557, bgo#646530. + Updated translations.- Update to version + Lots of little fixes on the templates + Bugs fixed: - bgo#565275: Quick Search should be able to search backward - bgo#565276: highlight all matches in Quick Search - bgo#643379, bgo#307515, bgo#336856, bgo#638134, bgo#645311, bgo#644050, bgo#643621, bgo#644595, bgo#645049, bgo#645076, bgo#570912, bgo#644294. - Changes from version 2.91.91: + New: - Signal dragging support for Vala - Improved C++ signal dropping features - Regular expression inline search + Bugs fixed: bgo#623735, bgo#638836, bgo#336856, bgo#565275, bgo#565276, bgo#568047, bgo#638134, bgo#643205, bgo#644014, bgo#640545, bgo#642763, bgo#627105, bgo#642749, bgo#643707, bgo#644050, bgo#636410, bgo#639440, bgo#643245, bgo#643828, bgo#641331. - Changes from 2.91.90: + New: - Signal dragging support for python - Glade usuability fixes - New inline search/replace + Bugs fixed: - bgo#530060 Have a "replace all" option in search and replace. - bgo#569992 support makefiles named - bgo#553772, bgo#568047, bgo#631260, bgo#633786, bgo#642647, bgo#642719, bgo#638787, bgo#642763, bgo#516685, bgo#549440, bgo#565358, bgo#566248, bgo#637981, bgo#640969, bgo#641181, bgo#642640, bgo#642750, bgo#570912, bgo#642723. - Changes from version 2.91.6: + New: - Support for dragging signals from glade into the code (C only). - Improvements in project-manager - More features in git-plugin + Bugs fixed: - bgo#618142 Anjuta Snippets Plug-in - bgo#638506, bgo#639786, bgo#640277, bgo#627131, bgo#639795, bgo#638980, bgo#608578, bgo#611206, bgo#615990, bgo#616041, bgo#618617, bgo#638368, bgo#639342, bgo#640348, bgo#640726, bgo#581613, bgo#639093. - Changes from version 2.91.5: + Updates: - Glade integration is working again and far more stable - Devhelp plugin is here gain - New class generation for Vala, Python and Javascript - New artwork - Comment/Uncomment feature for C/C++ - Various improvements in vala support + Bugs fixed: - bgo#637699 JavaScript wizard - bgo#638228, bgo#638252, bgo#511000, bgo#638532, bgo#637774, bgo#638534, bgo#616426, bgo#625399, bgo#633018, bgo#637695, bgo#638097, bgo#638347, bgo#638830, bgo#638878, bgo#638034, bgo#638524. - Changes from version 2.91.4: + New: - Project Manager: Lots of work improving the new project manager. - Git Shell: More panes for git features + Bugs fixed: bgo#636665, bgo#609213, bgo#636667, bgo#637249, bgo#621424, bgo#636312, bgo#619592, bgo#636084, bgo#636666, bgo#636668, bgo#584060. - Changes from version 2.91.3: + New: - Git Shell: Git interface has changed to be context sensitive - Project Manager: New project manager landed with much better capabilities. - clang-analyzer: New plugin to use the clang analyzer + Bugs fixed: bgo#615345, bgo#631213, bgo#633112, bgo#633911, bgo#635121, bgo#635795, bgo#631521. - Changes from version 2.91.2: + New: - Everything works with gtk+-3.0 now. gconf replaced with GSettings, etc. - Switch to enable/disable modeline detection - Automatic completion of comments with "*" + Bugs fixed: - bgo#625903: Port to GSettings - bgo#600407, bgo#627105, bgo#577595, bgo#625978, bgo#631952, bgo#633661. - Dropped now unneeded BuildRequires: gconf2-devel, libunique-devel. - Replace vte-devel BuildRequires with pkgconfig(vte-2.90) and pkgconfig(vala-0.10) with pkgconfig(libvala-0.12). - Disable glade3-catalog-anjuta subpackage with a build_glade_catalog define, until we have a gtk3-powered glade. - Remove hack to fixup permissions of documentation files in %install. - Replace GConf2 schemas handling with GSettings schemas handling, with %glib2_gsettings_schema_* macros. - Changed the explicit <= Obsoletes for the -doc package to <.- Call relevant macros in %post/%postun: + %desktop_database_post/postun because the package ships at least one desktop file. + %icon_theme_cache_post/postun because the package ships themed icons. + %mime_database_post/postun because the package ships a mime type definition. - Pass %{?no_lang_C} to %find_lang so that english documentation can be packaged with the program, and not in the lang subpackage. - Change Requires of lang subpackage to Recommends, since the english documentation is not there anymore. - Drop doc subpackage as it contained developer doc that should be in the devel subpackage.- Update to version + bgo#636665: .vapi file not distributed + bgo#636312: double click fails to select entire word if it contains _ or digits + bgo#633018: fix crash happening because misuse of xmlCleanupParser + lp#448126: "Report bugs" menu entry does not work - Add a hack to change permissions of some documentation files, so that they are non-executable. - Pass --disable-schemas-install to configure, to avoid some errors during make install.- Change vala-devel BuildRequires to pkgconfig(vala-0.10) BuildRequires as anjuta really does need the vala library (not the vala compiler).- Update to version + bgo#621916: language-support-cpp-java: check for brace + bgo#633042: libanjuta: Sensitivity off 'ok' button on the project import dialog + language-support-cpp: Don't show duplicated results in autocompletion + bgo#633661: build: vala support is automagic + bgo#633112: language-support-cpp-java: Smart Brace Completion Quotation Mark Crash + bgo#631223: python-support: autointention causes anjuta to hang- Split glade3 catalog in a glade3-catalog-anjuta subpackage. Part of bnc#637694. - Update summaries and descriptions.- Update to version + bgo#630460: Fix PackageKit integration + project-wizard: Update default ui file to use gtk+-2.16 + Updated translations. - Add sqlite3-devel BuildRequires: it used to work because it was a dependency of libgda-devel, but we need it implicitly.- Update to version + python-loader: bgo#628975: error in python loader .plugin + sourceview: bgo#626541: Crash when saving to unavailable location + bgo#628397: Fix anjuta-idl-compiler to keep typedef comments + bgo#628397: gir build error- Update to version + More updates to the vala support + Bugs fixed: - libanjuta: bgo#622922: migrated to GDBus - pm: bgo#626690: wrong project clean on new-project - project-wizard: bgo#627595: Ambiguous strings for translation - symbol-db: bgo#622340: Tried to close project and Anjuta crashed - language-support-python: bgo#627437: couldn't find python rope. - bgo#627648: Add IDE to Categories in .desktop file - bgo#628099: Remove markup from translatable strings - bgo#628286: Fix introspection build when builddir != srcdir - bgo#628285: Don't distribute the .gir files + Updated translations. - Do not set GenericName, Comment and Categories in .desktop file: they're already right in the upstream one.- Update to version + Python is now fully supported + Initial support for python plugins + Snippets plugins from GSoC + Bugs fixed: - project-wizard: bgo#625434: remove cvsignore from templates - python-support: bgo#626950: Anjuta crash with python support - build-basic-autotools: bgo#626562: crash refusing to clean the configuration - symbol-db: . bgo#622529: Crash when trying to open a non-writable project . bgo#616560: Symbol views do not display names containing especial chars correctly - manual: Fixed mailing list adress (bgo#625588) - language-support-vala: bgo#626306 Symbol completion doesn't work with "this." - libanjuta: Increase launcher buffer size (bgo#624700) - class-gen: add missing include (bgo#626265) - Add PyGTK project template. Fixes bgo#608304. + Updated translations. - Drop patches included upstream: + anjuta-fix-warning.patch + anjuta-old-glade3.patch- Add explicit gconf2-devel BuildRequires.- Update to version + Bugs fixed: bgo#625964, bgo#621919 - Changes from version 2.31.6: + Updated: - Debugger is now much more polished - Project wizard shows better package chooser + Bugs fixed: bgo#625841, bgo#625604, bgo#625605, bgo#625350, bgo#558954, bgo#624660, bgo#515395, bgo#598187, bgo#624091, bgo#516112 - Changes from version 2.31.5: + New: - Debugger supports pretty-printing now + Updated: - More work on the symbol database code quality and performance + Bugs fixed: bgo#623754, bgo#623944, bgo#494292, bgo#617323, bgo#612453, bgo#622706, bgo#617472, bgo#622526, bgo#619253, bgo#621678, bgo#622139, bgo#621512, bgo#620927, bgo#620664 - Changes from version 2.31.3: + New: - language-support for Vala + Updated: - Symbol database is super fast now - Glade plugins was cleaned a lot and doesn't spit warnings anymore + Bugs fixed: bgo#618273, bgo#586428, bgo#618955, bgo#620209, bgo#610934, bgo#572754 - Changes from version 2.31.2: + New: - class-inheritance is included using libfoocanvas + Bugs fixed: bgo#616810, bgo#618314, bgo#617433, bgo#615429, bgo#615428 - Changes from version 2.31.1: + New: - Symbol-db tree model with direct database access. This brings faster a faster and more up-to-date symbol tree + Bugs fixed: bgo#616780, bgo#616739, bgo#616503, bgo#616435, bgo#550027, bgo#586689, bgo#613962, bgo#614906, bgo#614408, bgo#500962, bgo#611834, bgo#613118 - Add vala-devel BuildRequires to build vala support. - Add anjuta-old-glade3.patch to not require a glade3 version we won't have this cycle. - Add anjuta-fix-warning.patch to add a missing include that breaks the build.- Add libgda-sqlite Requires to fix crash on startup with the symbol-db plugin (bnc#624924).- Added support for translation-update-upstream (FATE#301344).- Update to version + Bugs fixed: bgo#611834, bgo#600083, bgo#614936, bgo#614932, bgo#614933, bgo#614928, bgo#614751, bgo#615596, bgo#615718, bgo#615341, bgo#616503, bgo#616740- Update to version + git: Free the log message for merges at the right time + missing libxml flags in some plugins (bgo#613559) + macro: #613118 - Please fix escaping of UTF-chars in ui file + project-wizard: JS template support and require GJS 0.6 + build: bgo#612959 - Anjuta crashes when clicked 'Compile' + language-support-cpp-java: Avoid duplication of local symbols in project search + language-support-cpp-java: Fixed some undo problems with indentation + sourceview: bgo#567029 - underline warnings/errors using user-selected message colors + starter: Add tooltip for recent projects.- Update to version + Stabilisation fixes with autocompletion + Performance work + Bugs fixed: - bgo#567689: Shortcuts grabbed all components of anjuta - bgo#566194: Garbage in the message pane for messages with bold font - bgo#611204: sourceview: Don't block F7 shortcut - bgo#608499: language-support-cpp-java: Better expression parsing - project-wizard: Added back translatable-strings.h until bgo#610934 is fixed - bgo#609190: preferences: fix preferences registration for recent gtk+ versions - bgo#606596: project-wizard: Javascript template doesn't make sense - bgo#605050: fm: Saving a file duplicates its entry in File Manager - bgo#611933: build-basic-autootls: Get make targets for files from language-manager plugin - bgo##611312: Make manual page up-to-date - Changes from version + Support for Vala symbols in the symbol-db + Bugs fixed: - bgo#609227: language-support-cpp-java: autocompletion problem (and some memory leaks) - bgo#550715: Smaller icons in plugin list. - bgo#610397, bgo#610404: language-support-cpp-java: reapplied previous commit. - bgo#610404: symbol-db: added cancel logic to search command. - bgo#582726: starter: Loading file from command-line/nautilus puts starter page in front of file - bgo#582717: project-import: 'Create Folder' button not applicable in 'New From Existing Sources' file chooser dialog- Update to version + bgo#608701: Compiler warnings + bgo#608396: Crash while refreshing a buffer with some breakpoints + Several fixes in symbol-db and language-support-cpp-java- Update to version + Features: - Packagekit integration - Project manager supports a simple "Directory" project now which allows to handle project that either don't use automake or where the automake parser can detect the files correctly. + Bugs fixed: - bgo#541687 - selecting properties of executable with mouse - bgo#606801 - Bad translation error + GTKmm Project error - bgo#572754 - Replace deprecated GTK_OBJECT_TYPE with G_OBJECT_TYPE - bgo#601750 - Tooltip evaluation doesn't respects mouse position - bgo#605060 - Single-step highlighting works only for the first-opened project - bgo#607415 - Anjuta creates lots of random directories- Update to version + Features: - Completion for ., ->, and :: in C/C++ + Bugs fixed: - bgo#605952 - Some small fixes for symbol-db - bgo#566982 - don't autocomplete inside string or comment - bgo#586457 - Implement ianjuta_editor_cell_get_attribute() properly - bgo#605763 - No file found while adding a simple c++ class - bgo#605730 - completion "." "->" are not shown - bgo#606069 - Anjuta won't attach to process to debug it - bgo#559876 - Can't add python file source code to Project > Add source code - bgo#565191 - 'add project target' is mostly broken - bgo#566209 - "generate inhertances..." progress bar doesn't disappear - bgo#605343 - fix build warnings - bgo#605306 - Add missing include to fix build - Remove anjuta-build-fix.patch. Fixed upstream- Update to version + Features: - Javascript support - Support for parsing expressions allowing member completion - Improved autocopletion support using GtkSourceCompletion support in GtkSourceview master + Bugs fixed: - bgo#597318 - Anjuta terminal crashes X - bgo#597815 - Crash due to malformed UI definition file - bgo#599532 - plugin.c: missing call to fclose - bgo#600924 - misc. build fixes for 2.28 - bgo#601567 - Import from git fails - bgo#585529 - Replace AnjutaMessageArea with GtkInfoBar - bgo#559925 - Send special keys to the terminal - bgo#602784 - Remove unneeded libsexy code - bgo#604581 - Crash Scintilla when writing a comment - bgo#599323 - symbol-db plugin can't create the symbol database - bgo#604954 - Configure project fail if project path contains space - bgo#604621 - specify /dev/shm at config time. - Add anjuta-build-fix.patch to fix build.- Update to version + String review + symbol-db: fix bgo#597113 + search-plugin: unmerge ui and remove action group when the plugin is deactivated + git: remove action groups when the plugin is deactivated + file-manager: fix bug where we accessed the FileView even though it was freed + debug-manager: bgo#596009 - Easier adding of watches + bgo#601567 - Import from git fails- Update to version + Fix check if the executable is part of the debug configuration + bgo#597318 - Anjuta terminal crashes X + symbol-db: fix #597113 + subversion: Fix duplicate IDs in the glade file (bgo#596001) + file-loader: bgo#567363 - drag and drop from gnome-search-tool yields garbage message - Drop anjuta-symboldb-fix.patch: fixed upstream. - Drop anjuta-launchername.patch: fixed upstream. - Drop anjuta-gtklabel-crash.patch: fixed upstream.- Add anjuta-launchername.patch, fixes X resets, bgo#597318, bnc#547917. - Add anjuta-gtklabel-crash.patch, fixes crash due to malformed UI definition file, bgo#597815.- Add anjuta-symboldb-fix.patch, fix crash, bnc#547672, taken from upstream git.- Update to version + bgo#594665 - Fix link of test program + bgo#593954 - Report error when location is > 0 for markers + bgo#594648 - Terminal does not work + bgo#355151 - drag/drop into editor window should open file + Updated translations. - Drop anjuta-link.patch, upstream fixed.- Update to version + class-gen: bgo#593532 - Untranslated strings + language-support-cpp-java: bgo#593291 - fix small typo - Add anjuta-link.patch to fix build. - Add gconf2-devel and gtk2-devel Requires to devel package.- Update to version + Some git fixes (file-status, etc.) + Stability fixes on symbol-db + bgo#593236: Typo in Anjuta pot file + bgo#592941 – Fixed errors in Anjuta IDE Manual (Greek translation) + bgo#591758 - Fix language mistakes + bgo#591887 - Bad strings for translation + bgo#590117 – Build failure: local scandir() function collides with system's + bgo#589828 – Can't open GtkBuilder files with the glade plugin + bgo#590708 – Some untranslated strings + bgo#591359 – Need an easier and intuitive way to create a shared library project + bgo#590337 – Compile failure: not allowed to link against a module + bgo#590720 – glade plugin FTBFS on mips(el) and alpha, LANGUAGE_C built-in + bgo#575926 – 'Maintain past indentation' disables itself + bgo#578690 – Several components underlinked + bgo#585428 – Context needed to translate + bgo#590334 – Fix -I ordering + bgo#590338 – Missing plugins flags + bgo#566698 - git: Add init support + bgo#588112 - language-support-cpp-java: fixed infinite loop / freeze + bgo#587248 – Encoding key in desktop file is deprecated + bgo#588485 – fixes from running anjuta with G_DEBUG="fatal_warnings" + bgo#589699 – When ~/.cache isn't exists, session data isn't saved + bgo#588506 – Wrong value of PACKAGE_DOC_DIR + bgo#589601 – "gtk-execute" and "gtk-cancel" marked for translation - Use spec-cleaner script to reorder lines in preamble.- Update to version + Even better git plugin + Work to get C++ autocompletion done + Bugs fixed: - bgo#589401 - git: Show the active branch in the status bar - bgo#588387 - symbol-db: make typeahead searching caseless - bgo#530740 - Migrate anjuta project wizards from libglade to GtkBuilder - bgo#575147 - Headers of new C++/GObject classes have wrong copyright and license notices. - bgo#577741 - "single step over function" does not always work as expected - bgo#587957 - doap file missing bug-database - bgo#583731 - Some untranslated strings - bgo#580276 - git: Refresh the log view when switching branches - bgo#578438 - broken svn libraries detection in configure - bgo#587191 - git: Fix a typo in a menu tooltip - bgo#586926 - gbf-am: build fix - bgo#586926 - gdbmi_test build fails - bgo#513156 - Get rid of libgnome(ui) - bgo#577924 - git: Add descriptions to the menu items - bgo#586621 - Crash while loading project file - bgo#586148 - Case had to be the other way around - bgo#586148 - Fixing setting whitespace for the editor not working - bgo#577924 - Fixing AnjutaStatusbar for displaying menu tags - bgo#577232 - run-program plugin: projects's working directory should be set to project root on start - bgo#586030 - Value of a new environment variable is not saved in run parameter dialog - bgo#584180 - Duplicate copy of GBF/ installed to same location - bgo#582961 - Replace SexyIconEntry by GtkEntry icon functionality (available in GTK+ 2.16) - bgo#578411 - subversion: Show conflicted files in the commit dialog - bgo#585498 - symbol-db: Completion stop working and strange warning - Remove libgnomeui-devel BuildRequires. - Remove libgnomeui-devel Requires from devel package.- Update to version + Updates: - Pixel-saving UI for tabs - Remove markup from translatable strings + Bugs fixed: - Lots of git bugs fixed - bgo#584013 - still requires libglade-2.0 - bgo#584347 - Don't reference child revisions - bgo#567214 - bookmarks window wastes too much space - bgo#582464 - crash in Anjuta IDE: Hacking on Empathy, dele...- Update to version + Lots of git improvements + Subversion improvements + Removed libglade dependency + bgo#581416 - Fix void function cannot return value + bgo#581869 - anjuta fails to build outside source tree + bgo#582710 - Please consider using g_timeout_add_seconds to reduce wakeups + bgo#582977 - String misspelled + bgo#581421 - build fail on symbol-db/test + bgo#530740 - Use GtkBuilder instead of libglade + bgo#583589 - Some untranslated strings + bgo#580340 - Reuse the last commit message when amending commits - Remove libglade2-devel from devel Requires. - Add anjuta-rpmlintrc for the warnings about the project templates.- Update to version + Updates: - Improvements in git plugin - Improvements with auto-completion speed + Bugs fixed: - bgo#530740 - Use GtkBuilder instead of libglade - bgo#581074 - Creating a new wxWidgets project should not include libglade - bgo#580994 - using DEBUG_PRINT instead of g_print - bgo#580013 - patch plugin doesn't handle patch-files with whitespace - bgo#568779 - project wizard should infer project name from base path - bgo#577721 - tooltips appears in wrong position - bgo#579118 - Segmentation fault when adding file to project - bgo#578087 - Artwork for Symbol Database is actually not from Monodevelop - bgo#567588 - highlight default button in Find dialog - bgo#576959 - Search does not point to correct line number on first match when file is not opened in editor. - bgo#577006 - crash creating new file - bgo#574607 - Replace function selects text uncorrectly - bgo#576057 - doesn't build with graphviz 2.22.2 - bgo#575617 - Update FSF address - Remove libglade2-devel BuildRequires.- Change BuildRequires from unique-devel to libunique-devel- Update to version + New animation to identify running builds + bgo#578087 – Artwork for Symbol Database is actually not from Monodevelop team + bgo#564002 – Files view shows useless tooltip- Update to version + Huge improvements in the tooltip area + Do not hang when pressing backspace in editor + bgo#574607 – Replace function selects text uncorrectly + bgo#576959 - Search does not point to correct line number on first match when file is not opened in editor. + bgo#574711 – Menu Toolbar unchecked at the first time while toolbar shown + bgo#574802 – show calltips makes the editing lag + bgo#576057 – doesn't build with graphviz 2.22.2 + bgo#575893 – plugins schema files are not installed + bgo#575617 – Update FSF address + Updated translations. - Changes from version 2.26.0: + bgo#397883 – The license info is almost empty + bgo#574376 – Save doesn't always save + bgo#573858 – link fail on Solaris for plugin symbol-db + bgo#562113 – Clean docbook syntax in order to validate + bgo#571740 – Get rid of deprecated libgnomecanvas + Fixed crash in git plugin + Fixed little problem in build plugin + Fixed distcheck + Updated translations. - Use parallel make. - Remove unneeded BuildRequires: gnome-common, gtk-doc, pcre-devel, sqlite-devel. - Remove Requires that are automatically added: devhelp - Remove some Requires which really seem abusive: alsa-devel, audiofile, esound-devel, gconf2-devel, gnome-terminal, gnome-vfs2-devel, libart_lgpl-devel, libbonobo-devel, libbonoboui-devel, libglade2-devel, libgnome-devel, libgnomecanvas-devel, libgnomeui-devel, libwnck-devel, libxml2-devel, openssl-devel, orbit2-devel, popt-devel, yelp, gnome-doc-utils - Remove the Recommends for documentation: if we want them, they should really live in devhelp. And I'm not sure we want them. - Pass --disable-static to configure and remove .la files. - Package the anjuta-build-tutorial manual with the other manuals. - Do not package omf files twice. - Do not add DocPath to the desktop file: it's already there.- Update to version 2.25.903.0: + Valgrind memory fixes + Documentation fixes and updates + Fixes in the glade plugin + Version control integration fixes + Auto-indentation fixes + bgo#564282 – configure error: source directory already configured + bgo#567513 – Running configure doesn't make anjuta be aware that the project doesn't need a configure stage in its menus + bgo#565170 – Invalid read in plugin.c + bgo#573326 – Debug misfunction + bgo#572637 – Valgrind shows some errors in symbol-db + bgo#567068 – autocomplete box should vanish on backspace + bgo#564306 – don't ask which program to run if project has only one target + bgo#559806 – Anjuta crashes when closing unsaved file + bgo#556970 – Swap .h/.c doesn't work for C header files (*.h) + bgo#555895 – Save configure options for build configuration + bgo#572608 – crash clicking on 'find in files...' results. + bgo#572451 - crash on closing project + bgo#571760 – Find & Replace is broken (due to my previous changes) + bgo#511589 - remove missed includes + bgo#572289 – Make code less ambiguous + bgo#564891 – Crash when closing editor window - Do not call autoreconf. - Drop anjuta-fix-undefined-operation.patch: fixed upstream.anjuta-docbuild35 1386170234  !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~     3.10.2- -grecord-gcc-switches -fstack-protector -O2 -Wall -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -funwind-tables -fasynchronous-unwind-tables -gobs://                      directoryC source, ASCII textASCII textC source, UTF-8 Unicode textpkgconfig fileXML document textHTML document, UTF-8 Unicode text, with very long linesHTML document, ASCII textHTML document, UTF-8 Unicode textPNG image data, 565 x 631, 8-bit/color RGB, non-interlacedPNG image data, 893 x 441, 8-bit/color RGB, non-interlacedPNG image data, 24 x 24, 8-bit/color RGBA, non-interlacedPRRRRLd/CT\?0]"k%jS BR*rbH%F)z6,Rj'0V M !'Y{`j"iCwRkFY2#?9 H4$#őΏٕR2jZuJ[5Y^Y70wۇIؽglj.1Ľ:dQxYiÌuBf5mvތ5%([0Ya:w.[xm{B&W3ÖxyXOR QeZg2@hOzeɮbƨNMzXF+# [oqq*V+/EEr'>I P3|>܆/<>3 |1Mb8߮q#Gj/%ڕOS$~[wCTkE|MH?-w?D9/d,DaK{SX;;lfBA* g0r4bx|L"ukI:J ϡ}v!]+Ji*'=O1Tz}["@/d1=>(#c(`. 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